Budapest 1932 Cafe

The 1932 Budapest Cafe is a gathering place for hardworking and hopeful people.

We have coffee here. We eat delicious food that we make ourselves and sell it to anyone who wants it. We work on our own ideas and projects. We watch movies and make movies. And many more things to come and see.

We are some of the survivors of the story that Wes Anderson mentioned a little.

if you want to do something, you can sit in budapest 1932 cafe, talk, otherwise you have nothing to say.

Currently our physical landscape is limited to the passage walls and the sky seen from the skylight. But we want to develop it. On the other side, our eyes see a lot, beyond the imagination of some, not all

The head members of the 1932 Budapest Café have come together since 2013 to work on their ideas and projects. Finally, to create new businesses and ideas, they gathered in a place that has been called Budapest 1932 Cafe since 2017!

If you are a hard-working and hopeful person and you like to be involved in our projects, you can join the Budapest Cafe Club. To play a role in beautifying our world and our friends!

Let’s talk

Some enjoy talking, some do not like to talk too much! Anyway, there are some things you should sit down and talk about! (If you sit down, it ‘s like you want to finish quickly).

For example, some people want to do something? Some questions are:

  • What do we want to do? (Verb)
  • More importantly: Who? (Actors)
  • Since when? (Time constraint)
  • Where? (Location)

The Budapest 1932 Café is in the center of Tehran, the capital of Iran, which may be a good place to talk!

Come here as one of the place constraints and of course the most important and central place constraint! As actors, talk about verbs and other adverbs.

Or, for example, talk to yourself when you need to! That means we need to talk to ourselves. Words that maybe no one cares about but you do. Words that are perhaps the most important words of our whole life! Many times our problem is that we do not talk to ourselves and others.

According to Master, “I speak, then I am” means I express and declare my existence with the words I say.

I think talking is good! Because it helps to solve problems!